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// My
Specialty Coffee Events
Kaie Bird
Ongoing Projects
& 2022- 2023
May 2022 - March 2023, AeroPress/ Aerobie, Inc USA
Social Media Coordinator, working under Lisa Ligon
Building and Sustaining Community focused around AeroPress, worldwide.
& 2016
March 31, Tel Aviv's First Barista Jam
at Loveat Habima Cafe, Tel Aviv
July 14, Ice Cream & Coffee Social
at WeWork Sarona, Tel Aviv
December 22, Barista Jam II
at Nahat Cafe, Tel Aviv
& 2017
March 5, Coffee and Food Pairing,
Coffee Education Class at Loveat Habima Cafe, Tel Aviv
March 8, Barista Jam III,
Purim + Int. Women's Day at WayCup Coffee, Tel Aviv
May 25, Intro to Aeropress,
Workshop: Learning How-To Brew Coffee w/ Aeropress
at Loveat Habima Cafe Tel Aviv
August 16, How To Brew:
Coffee Workshop (Hebrew) at Origem's Cafe, Tel Aviv
August 23, How To Brew:
Coffee Tasting Workshop (English) at Origem's Cafe, Tel Aviv
August 25, Something's Brewing in Tel Aviv
Aeropress Fundraiser Afternoon Party at CoffeeShop 51, Tel Aviv
August 31, Barista Jam IV,
Israel's 4th Barista Jam: Haifa Edition!
at Aroma Germany Colony, Haifa
September 7, Israeli AeroPress Championship 2017,
Israel's First Aeropress Coffee Championship
Special Guest Judge Jane Lash
at Loveat Habima Cafe, Tel Aviv
September 9, SCA Coffee Training with Jane Lash,
Public Coffee Cupping + SCA Certified 'Intro into Coffee' Course,
at Cafe Saga, Jaffa-Tel Aviv
October 1, Celebrate Coffee Day,
Celebrate International Coffee Day in Tel Aviv
November 11, Sharing is Caring: Cupping,
Coffee Social for Coffee Lovers: Cupping Tel Aviv & Amsterdam
at WayCup Mikveh, Tel Aviv
December 29, Something's Brewing in Tel Aviv,
Coffee Cupping + Brewing Party at Cafe Saga, Tel Aviv
December 30, SCA Brewing Foundation with Jane Lash
SCA Coffee Traing and Certification Course, Tel Aviv
& 2018
March 5, קפה חובק עולם World Wide Coffee 12/02/18,
Coffee Education Class at Aroma German Colony Cafe, Haifa
March 22, Barista Jam V,
TLV's Barista Jam V: Coffee Party for Baristas
at Cafelix Levinsky, Tel Aviv
June 12, Just Press It:
2018 Israeli Aeropress Championship Meeting
at CoffeeShop51, Tel Aviv
July 9, Home Barista Workshop:
Homemade Espresso Workshop for Home Baristas, Tel Aviv
August 20 - 22, Hosted Aga Rojewska in Israel
August 21, SCA Barista Skills Foundation Course w/ Aga Rojewska
Landwer Training Facility, Tel Aviv
August 21, A Night with Aga Rojewska + Friends at Citizen Garden
First Women in Coffee Panel + Discussion
at Citizen Cafe, Tel Aviv
August 22, Latte Art Workshop with Aga Rojewska,
Landwer Training Facility, Tel Aviv
August 23, 2018 Israeli AeroPress Championship,
Special Guest Judge Aga Rojewska
at Landwer Cafe, Holon
August 24, SCA Brewing Foundation Course w/ Aga Rojewska,
Landwer Training Facility, Tel Aviv
August 27, Barista Skills II: Intermediate with Aga Rojewska,
Landwer Training Facility, Tel Aviv
September 27, CoffeeVine Cups Tel Aviv,
Special Guest The CoffeeVine's Alex Kitáin Cupping
at WayCup Mikveh Cafe, Tel Aviv
December 27, End-of-Year Coffee Social:
Cupping European Roasters at WayCup Mikveh Cafe, Tel Aviv
& 2019
April 10 , Cupping Россия:
Cupping Россия: Exploring Russia's Specialty Coffee Scene
at CoffeeShop51, Tel Aviv
May 23, Barista Jam VI,
TLV's Barista Jam VI: Coffee Party for Baristas
at WayCup Mikveh Cafe, Tel Aviv
August 29, Barista Jam VII
"Champions of Champions" Barista Jam VII
at CoffeeShop51 Sarona, Tel Aviv
September 7, Coffee Tasting Workshop
Co-Host, Brewing Introduction, Cupping, Presentation
November 9, Cupping Israel in Warsaw, Poland:
Coffee Cupping w/Cophi & SharingTables
at Cophi Cafe, Warsaw, Poland
& 2020- 2021
Jan 2, "Stimuli",
Co-Hosting Event at WayCup Mikveh TLV
Jan 9, "Cupping Israel",
1st event inviting all Israeli Roasters to share coffee
in public cupping at Ada Hanina Cafe, TLV
Feburary- March, Trip to Origin: Panama.
Visting farms in Boquete and Volcán.
July 20, 'Only Way is Up' Podcast',
Featured as guest on this Israeli Startup Women-focused Podcast
October 2021 - March 2022:
Joined Oatly as Barista Market Developer, Israel.
Celebrating and lifting up coffee community through events with Oatly's support, among other fun job responsibilities.
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